Tuesday 10 September 2013

All About Brandon (First Draft)

Brandon Carson is the most happy and kind hearted person that you will ever meet. Some say that Brandon has a fetish or addiction to car he can just about any car you throw a him. It has been said that the new lineup of Honda Civics is like a holy grail to him. The automobile means more to him then just a way of getting from place to place he feels connected to them cleaning and shining up vehicles is something that he enjoys very much cleaning a vehicle to him is better than relaxing on a beach in Mexico. When Mr Carson finishes his last two years in High school, he plans on going to the University of Victoria to become an engineer in the automotive industry. Brandon values many things but his main values would be his health, honesty and integrity these things mean so much to him and it annoys Mr Carson very much when people don't follow them when they are around him. Matthew or Matt as he likes to be called is Brandon's younger brother who is in the eighth grade. Dave, Brandon's father is working at the Jackson Triggs Winery while his mother Carla works in town as travel agent at Maritime Travel there family has the cutest most adorable dog that you will ever see his name is Goku and he is a eight year old Cockapoo. All in all Brandon is a very great person with a very well rounded personality and is one fantastic person.

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